Flipkart and Myntrra — Game Review

Saakshi Malhotra
3 min readJan 27, 2021

When I first heard about Flipkart and Myntrra, I didn’t believe the hype. A couple of days later, however, when I went to use their demo account, and it was working fine as advertised, I became even more sceptical. Would this company really deliver what it said it would? Would it live up to all the great promises it made? Would I be wasting my money?
After using the software for a couple of weeks, I finally decided it was time to give it a try. I’ve read several reviews about this product, and I’m glad that everyone who has used it is satisfied with the results. But does this product live up to its claims? Let’s find out.
The startup cost is low, despite the impressive features it comes with. While you won’t have the best product for the most money, you can still expect to recoup at least 90% of your investment in a couple of months. This includes the cost of the course and any support you might need. It also includes your membership fee if you decide to join the Myntrra affiliate program.
The course is easy to follow but can become a bit confusing if you’re not familiar with software such as Myntrra. Even those who are familiar with computer software can get lost here. Fortunately, there is a help feature in place that can help get you started. It will also help if you have questions throughout the course.
Another thing I like about this product is the community it provides. Users are able to talk to other buyers who have bought the same product, which can help you get a better idea of how the actual company does business. They can also get answers to questions they may have regarding the product, which is always nice.
If you want to be successful at using technology to make your living, then the two products offered by Flipkart and Myntrra are not for you. If you only want to find out about a company, then go ahead and research it yourself. There is no shame in doing that. If you’re really curious about this program and would like more information, though, then check out their websites. You’ll be happy you did!
Some people may say that video games are obsolete. That there are plenty of better uses for our time. The question is whether those arguments have any merit. Personally, though, I believe that technology is only going to become better, and we will all be playing them longer.
If you’re looking for an exciting way to get your kids up and moving, then this could very well be the solution. However, before you go out and buy a game console, you should definitely check out the Flipkart and Myntrra video games. These two products combine entertainment, fun, and education all into one package. No parent ever wants to have to say, “I was hoping for something better”, so be sure to get this year’s version.

You can read in full detail about flipkart and myntra merger case study and other case studies on thekeepitsimple, a blog which is specially designed for the management students.



Saakshi Malhotra

I am someone who understand the pain of this world and try to make this little nicer place for humans. www.thekeepitsimple.com